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Timiskaming                First Nation


Education - About Us


 The council and the community have committed themselves to the education of its youth.  The Timiskaming First Nation is proud to offer Junior K to Grade 8 at our local school. 


The young students attending Kiwetin School are offered a variety of services. Here are a few of the services the Kiwetin School offers:  French (2nd language), Algonquin language, Special Education, Alternative Program, Physical Education, Reading Recovery, Educational Assistants, School Counselor, Developmental Service, Library, Computer Centre, School Transportation, Maintenance and Custodian services, Kiwetin School Committee, and week day hot lunches for the students to name a few.


Post-Secondary Program

The Post-Secondary Student Support Program is sponsored by DIAND and is administered by the TFN Education Department to serve the TFN membership. All applications for financial assistance are processed through the Post-Secondary Education Coordinator. Other services offered by the Post-Secondary program are: Guidance (limited), information, shared responsibilities, accountability to DIAND, funding mechanisms for students, funding support (tuition, living allowance, book supplies, and travel), support services, summer employment and referrals.


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